About Us

ZipnTrip is a travel portal run by a group of enthusiasts, having travelled themselves to every nook & corner of India be it by bike, bus, steamer or bullock cart! and never intended on arriving at their destination. Hence we feel we can offer you all the info you need like transport, accommodation, car rentals, places to see – regular, not so regular, off the beaten path.


                We try our best to give you info on the history of the place, hotels which are very good, good and the most important to us the neat & tidy ones. We also have on offer what we call ‘Soulful comfort food’  available at all the destination we have visited may it be the pretty granny dishing out a local delicacy along the roadside and never written about or of course the big names which every traveler will barge into at season time.


Summing things up in a nanosecond, we offer tailor made travel solution across all budgets. Hence the name ZipnTrip!